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Table of Contents


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Setup Examples
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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

Active Check this box if you want to enable this particular e-mail account.
POP Server Name (or IP address) of your POP server (note that an error message "bad IP?" usually indicates that you did not enter a valid POP server name.
Login Your login id (for the POP server).
Password Your password (for the POP server). Warning: although all passwords are encrypted before they get stored to the file DynamIP.INI you should be aware of the fact that the encryption algorithm is rather simple and won't hold up serious hackers for too long...
Notify Sound Check this box if you want DynamIP to play a sound file whenever you receive new mail. You can choose any WAV file you like. Clicking on the button "Notify Sound" will play the sound so that you can test your settings.
E-mail Client Check this box if you want DynamIP to automatically start your e-mail client whenever you receive new mail. Some clients (e.g. Eudora) can be launched by directly executing the EXE file, others must be launched via a shortcut. Generally speaking, the following two methods should work in most cases:
  1. point to an executable (EXE file)
    This method works fine with Eudora. For example, if the executable of your Eudora installation is in the directory C:\Eudora then you would enter the following text into the field E-mail Client: C:\Eudora\Eudora.exe (you can obviously also just use the file dialog box to select the appropriate file).
  2. point to a shortcut file (LNK file)
    This method works with MS Internet Mail, Netscape Mail, Pegasus, MS Exchange, MS Outlook Express (and probably just about anything else out there). Simply point to the shortcut of your client, e.g. C:\Windows\Desktop\Microsoft Mail.lnk (note that you can also point to a shortcut in your start menu, e.g. C:\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\...\*.lnk). If you need to submit command line switches then you put them best into your shortcut file. Basically you want to make sure that double-clicking the shortcut does exactly what you want your e-mail client to do. If you then execute the shortcut from DynamIP everything will work out just fine.

The following settings are common to all connections:

Check E-mail on Connect If this option is checked DynamIP automatically checks all active mail boxes whenever a Connect event occurs.
every ... min If you are connected DynamIP automatically checks all active mail boxes at user-defined intervals. Hint: you can also use this setting as a "Keep Alive" feature.
Timeout DynamIP aborts the mail checking process if the operation is not completed within the user-defined interval.


Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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